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Bullseye Series Identification Quiz

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Which series are these from? The answers are underneath the pictures.


Series 1. Cliff Lazarenko is standing in front of the order-of-play board. The one with green in it and wire circles in the centre only appeared in series 1.


Series 3. There are diagonal rows of light bulbs on the back wall, but these are sparsely spaced. The only other episode with these light bulbs on a black background was series 2 where they were closer together. (Series 4 had light bulbs but they were over-shadowed by the foil curtains.) Another clue is the plush red stair carpet. Series 2 had what looked like a painted staircase. We never saw the carpet in series 1. Series 4 just had steps. Series 5 onwards were obviously series 5 onwards.


Series 4. There are interlocking red and beige circles with crosses on them. This is the only series in which the crosses appear.


Series 4. The audience looks very small and there are foil curtains behind them.


Series 4. There are red and beige circles with crosses on them. (The crosses are unique to this series). Also, the circles on either side of the back wall are single ones. Series 1, 2 and 3 had double ones. They didn't appear after series 4.


Series 1. The contestants are wearing rosette name tags, which only happened in series 1. (There is also the series 1 order-of-play board in the background.)


Series 8. A grey sofa only appeared in series 8. (Blue platforms appeared in series 8, 9 and 10, but series 9 and 10 had blue sofas.


Series 10. This is a blue sofa (on a blue platform). These only appeared in series 9 and 10. Series 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 all had relatively small audiences. In series 9, the central part of the audience was only slightly wider than the platform. In series 10 onwards, there was a much bigger audience. In series 10, the central part of the audience was much wider than the platform.


Series 11. Series 11 is the only series with this beige and red platform. (It also happens to be the last of the series with platforms - they were series 8, 9, 10, 11.)


Series 12. Jim Bowen has his microphone clipped to his jacket lapel. In all other series, it was clipped to his tie.


Series 2. Round name badges only appeared in series 2. (Series 1 had rosettes; series 3 onwards had square name badges.


Series 1. This was the only series when the circles on the walls were blue.


Series 4. This is the only series with the rotating three-board stand that doesn't have the audience visible all the time. (The audience are visible in series 5 onwards. Series 1, 2, 3 each had two rotating two-board stands.) Also, the stand is on the right of the set, when in series 5 onwards, it is on the left.


Series 9. There is a blue sofa on a blue platform, and the central part of the audience is only slightly wider than the platform. (Series 10 had the same blue sofa and platform but the audience was much bigger.)


Series 5. Only series 5 had a triple semi-circle at the bottom of the stairs. (Series 6 and 7 had double ones. There were none in the other series.)


Series 2. The order-of-play board behind John Corfe is red and beige. In series 1, it was red and green. It doesn't appear in other series.


Series 5. The only series where there was the concentric ring design of category board at the same time as an always visible audience was series 5. In series 6 onwards, the design changed to big yellow arrows. In series 1 to 4, the audience were not visible all the time.


Series 6. There is a red spider's web surround around the traditional board. (There are also two semi-circles at the bottom of the stairs, but these appear in series 6 and 7.)


Series 13 or 14 (they are the same). The WinMau logo without inverted commas only appeared in series 13 and 14.


Series 2. The floor has red, grey and black rings on it. The only series that is similar is series 3, which has red, grey, red, grey rings. (Series 1 has grey circles. Series 4 has red and beige interlocking circles. All the other series have the audience visible all the time.)


Series 2. There are diagonal rows of light bulbs and they are relatively close. (The only series that is similar - series 3 - has them more widely spaced.) The stairs look like they have been painted - they have hard sharp edges. (Series 3 has a thick red carpet.) The audience are wearing spirally-cut hats, which only happens in this series.


Series 7. There are double semi-circles at the bottom of the stairs (which only occur in series 6 and 7), and there is a blue spider's web surround for the traditional board (it is red in series 6).


Series 11. There is a red and black floor - these only appeared in series 11, 12, 13, 14. The oche mat has a single line at its very end. These only appeared in series 9, 10, 11, 12 (but series 9 and 10 didn't have black and red floors). Therefore, this must be series 11 or 12. There are no round markers to indicate where the contestants should stand. Series 12 did have these, so this must be series 11.


Series 12. There is a red and black floor - these only appeared in series 11, 12, 13, 14. The oche mat has a single line at its very end. These only appeared in series 9, 10, 11, 12 (but series 9 and 10 didn't have black and red floors). Therefore, this must be series 11 or 12. There are three round markers showing where contestants should stand. Series 11 didn't have any of these, so this must be series 12.


Series 13 or 14 (they are the same). The oche mat has one white line, and it is about 6 inches from the end. Such mats were only in series 13 and 14. (Another clue is that none of the round markers is entirely on the red segment on the floor.

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